
The everlasting now.
You cannot grab it,
you cannot let it go.
It is always present altough it does not feel so.
What is it with the now?
Is there a past? Is there a future? If you make every second valuable in the now, it is happening now, than, than you can reach the stars. Mindfulness means fully aware of the current experience. Focus. Having an experience is also digging around in your past database. You have that experience in the now, altough you think of the past.You focus on it.
So living in the past means not learning from your experiences, because you avoid the now.
Words like now, time, space, are hard to grab. One can talk centuries about these things and still not get it. What you should get is to make ` the now` your centre of awareness. Make your now fun, enjoyable, interesting, valuable. If you do, there is no need for difficult philosophy, you are in heaven...