Ockhams Razor

Why a page about Ockhams razor? Just because it helped me enormous in my life! From nature I am a minimalist, I never had a lot of stuff. If I am on my travels with my bike and tent I feel the best. The thing I got out of Ora, is that simple is good, with problem solving and in life. The most simple solution for a problem is usual the right one... If your TV does not work, first check the power before stripping the darn thing... On my travels and work I deal with a lot of problems, big and small, but there is always a solution, sometimes easier than you might think. Also, if you look back in your life, have you ever worried and in the end it was not so bad at all? Worried about problems that were not problems? In the Big Picture there are no worries, we are immortal, remember? and we , naturaly, grow towards love... I rest my case...



Ockahms Razor


Willam Occham (Ockham) (1287 - 1347)


Willam of Occham was een English Franciscan friar and theologian an influential medieval philosopher and a nominalist.


The term ‘’Razor’’ refers to distinguishing between two hypotheses, either by

‘shaving away’ unnecessary assumptions or cutting apart two simular conclusions!


The Law of Parsimony (Novacula Occami)


Is the problem-solving principle that ‘entities’ should not be multiplied needlessly; the simplest of two competing theories is to be prefered


‘’The simplest explanation is most likely the right one’’


In science Occhams Razor is used as an ‘’Abductive Heuristic’’

This is a form of logical inference that employs a practical methode for reaching an immediate, short term goal or approximation.


In the year 2023 I say ‘Cut The Crap’ (CTC) and lets shave away all BS and lets get to the bodem of our problems... without opinion and with all available facts.