IUOC (`my source, be-ing`) - FWAU (me `now`) - Avatar (also me `now`)
This is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. No doubt a fear is at the basis. During my working career I have avoided it on purpose.
Going public, showing yourself, vulnerability. I am an introvert, who enjoys to be an extrovert, sometimes and selected.
During my career as Close Protecting Specialist for the Corps Diplomatic (CD), other people going public was a great source of information for me, for our work. The Intelligent Services worldwide threw a big party when social media like facebook appeared.
Now I turn things around, I go public, with me in the picture. I thought about it a lot. Another option is, just go, anonymous, I do it because I love it so why the fuzz.
What is the lower entropy solution for the whole? What does my intuition say?
>>Opportunity, it said. There is a lot of potential to inform and inspire.
>>Opportunity to spread the MBT word and model.
>>Opportunity to show the positive sides of life.
>>Opportunity to make photos and videos of people and our nature, different cultures and customs.
>>Opportunity to speak and interview a lot of different people.
>>Opportunity to help and share new ideas.
>>Opportunity to meet MBTers and Volunteers.
>>Opportunity to help a child, a parent, a grandpa, a grandma...
Is that not so much richer than keeping it all to myself?
Done, I share. Social media is a tool and like every other tool, it depends how you use it.
I use it for my truth and my experiences, to share and inform, to inspire and help.
In my life resumé I look at events that directed me, that raised or lowed my entropy, what changed me?
1959; 05:12, June 4, When the sun came up Sybrandt Fontein was born under Gemini in Haarlem, The Netherlands. Ascendant; Gemini.
1960; 1 year and 4 days young, strange people took me away. I needed surgery for a groin rupture. It was 1960 and I had to stay 2 weeks in the hospital. There were strict visiting rules and my parents were told it was not helpful to visit too much. Now in 2023 we know that was the total wrong approach. I was traumatized and slept 2 years in my parents bed (lovely `poor' people) and pulled my hair out so that my dad had to shave my head bold. I was an afraid, scared, uncertain child.
1960-1977; I grew up in Anholt, Drenthe, a east province in the Netherlands. In a nature park, where my father built a bungalow park of 10 units. We rented it out to tourists and we lived in a restaurated house (the black and white picture further down) from 1664 where, in the old days, (the post) couches changed horses. I had a secure and happy youth. I processed my trauma because of the loving care of my parents and sister. I had talent for sports and art. I grew fast and strong, I am 1.96m. I was a terrible student though: -0. But I was a good farmer and earned my pocket money working for the local farmers, drving a tractor, I loved it.
- First day of school, it turned out I was not the best student, I was born `right brained`. (right brainers have intuition but need to learn to use their intellect) Because I was growing fast and always the tallest, and I had a sense of humor, I grew from a scared little boy to a sportive, tall teenager who became the class clown and popular.
- 16 August 1977, after our high school graduation, my buddy Ger and I are on Schiphol airport, we are going for one year to the USA for ‘Youth for Understanding’ as an exchange student. I go to Springfield Ohio, and Ger to Kansas. The airport loudspeaker announced the death of Elvis Presley. We looked at each other, is this a bad omen? `No way bro`, `it is gonna be great`, and it was. I became a man. So did my friend. I knew then what I wanted, adventure and traveling. No doubt in my mind, then, and...I did. And you know what, I am not done yet...
- 1978-1980 Party time and figuring out what I wanted to do with my life...
- 1978 I met Henny, my first `real` girlfriend, she was beautiful, from `De Jordaan` in Amsterdam, and we were a couple for 5 years.
1980-1982; I was educated as `Springmeester` (Explosive Engineer) and received my diploma in may 1982. I can write a whole book about that time. (1980-1986) I tell a lot of these stories in my autobiography, who I might publish. I met my buddy Steve, who is still my friend and `blood brother`.We experienced some heavy stuff. I will always remember the huge accident that happend with our local crew. Steve and I had to drive 300km through the dessert with a heavy injured man and his histerical wife.., when we arrived at the hospital he was still alive but he died shortly afterwards...almost 40 years ago and I will never forget that trip, and Steve won`t either...after this event we cut our hand till it bled and shook hands, `blood brothers for life`...
1982-1986; Geophysical Service International, Explosive engineer, working on several projects in the Middle East.
I met Gaby who became my wife.
Gaby and I wanted children. We stopped contraceptives not long after we met. Nothing happened. What do you do? You go to the doctor. It was me. Everything works perfect only `the boy`s don`t swim fast enough (and my avatar is such a good swimmer). We tried insemination 4 times. Nothing, yea a sick and emotional wife. The doctors said, after washing my sperm, everything was top, still nothing happened. Then I was done with it. I did saw opportunity after I knew that I couldn`t have kids. Opportunity to have freedom, adventure, no responsibility... and that is what happened. I did learn about responsibility in my work though, still responsibility for your own children is, of course, not comparable. This Experience Package (EP) (life time) we, my 3unit , have other things to do `now`, next time I want 4 daughters and a son...(- :)
I got jobs I shouldn't have had. Not because I could not do them, or lack of knowledge, no because of credentials. All my colleagues in Afghanistan and Pakistan were, or ex-special forces, Marines or ex-special police departments, I was the only one without such a background. And, at one point, became their boss.
1986-1991 American Embassy in Bonn Germany, Security officer. I called it the university for security, I was trained especially in CTAT (Counter Terrorist Awareness Training) and IED (Improvised Explosive Device) recognition and disposal. (run, run, run ye fool... (-:)
Events that happend during this time;
-Last attact from RAF on US Embassy in Bonn
-Visit from President Bush sr. and much more...
-Start first Golf war, upgrade security level, special training
This is an example of nudging or just luck. I got the job because Gaby`s father worked as an electrician for the embassy. I was just back from the middle east and he said to me `Syd, the embassy is looking for security personnel, maybe something for you`? ...Opportunity? I was hired because of my experience in the Middle East and knowledge of explosives.
1991-1993 Self employed and co owner of a security company.
The best job I ever had was ` Kindergarden Cop` like Schwarzenegger. We worked for the Jewish Community in Dusseldorf. They renovated their Kindergarten school building and moved to a -not secure- location. We got the assignment to `act as a teacher` and `protect as a bodyguard`... My colleague and I took turns every other week and spent the week with the kids. They were between 4 and 6 years young and I loved them and they loved me. It lasted almost a year...
1990 Married Gaby (divorced in 1996)
1993-2000; Head of security for the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Bonn Germany.
Another example of nudging, or just pure luck. It was the way I met him. In 1993 I owned with 2 partners a security company in Bonn. The night I met the ambassador I remember that I did not feel 100%. Why I do not know till now, or maybe I do, but I went to the American embassy club for a drink. The American embassy in Bonn was the second biggest in the world in 1993. It had it`s own village in Plittersdorf Bonn. There was also the American club with it`s tennis courts, gym, swimming pool, bowling court, sportfields, supermarked, cafe, cinema and of course a top restaurant and bar. I was still member and knew a lot of people. I worked more than 5 years for the embassy. I sat at the bar when a man came sitting next to me. He was dressed in a expensive suit and looked business like. He ordered a wine (!) and looked at me. We started talking. He asked me what I did and I told him. He laughed and said, `that is a coincidence, I am the ambassador of Saudi Arabia here in Bonn and I am looking for a security specialist`. What happened, his bodyguard was death. Shot by his wife with his own gun, the gun he carried on duty. That was the official side... I replaced the man. It was in all newspapers. The death of my colleague, not me starting. During my time with the Saudies I have seen and heard many amazing things. I like writing and my autobiography is almost ready, in Dutch that is. Never had real plans with it, I just like to write. It makes me see my life as an observer, real interesting.
I traveled everywhere with the ambassador as his bodyguard. In the `business` we don`t like the word bodyguard. We are close protection specialist. In 2000 Berlin became capital city, again, of Germany and all embassies moved to Berlin. I did not want to go and quit my job for the ambassador and moved back to Amsterdam. (He did not like it!)
1997 Met Gaby 2, as she was called in the family. We were three years a couple. After our brake up she had a son, who she wouldn´t have had if we`d stayed a couple, everything has a reason...
2000-2001 Worked for a specialized security company called Interact, it no longer exsist.
On a holiday, in the summer, to Paros Greece, in 2001, I met Maria. We were a couple for 3 years. She was special, like all the women I was together with, most are still friends...
- 9\11 2001; I was working for Interact Security and this day changed my life. My cellphone rang and my sister called and said, `turn the tv on`...I was in our office and my colleagues and I looked at each other, Jihad? Is this real? After we calmed down we realized that the opportunities in the specialized security sevices will boom. And it did.
- 2001-2015 International Protecting and Security Services. Entrepreneur
I had several assignments for the diplomatic corps and `others`. abroad and domestic.
During 2002-2007 Working as a consultant, specialized in Diplomatic Security and Close Protection in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
On the 7th December 2004 Hamid Karsai was inaugurated to the first President of Afghanistan. At that time I was head of security for the Dutch embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan *. Our embassy and ambassador were official election observers of a fair and democratic election (eehh). This was the crown jewel of my career. We had also to deal a lot with `Blackwater` members, the company that got (in 2004) the contract to protect Karsai. All ex SEALS, no budget limit, 200 man at least. Individual, most of them seemed ok, in a group it was a disaster. If you give people, who have a low quality consciousness, so much power, they change into beasts. Their approach was `high profile` our, `low profile`, it was noticeable.
It was a busy year and I also worked the whole Olympics Games in Athens Greece. A job for DHL. Protecting their VIP`s. I worked with my colleague J together, he worked in Irak, doing the same I did. We had soo much fun, a welcome change from Afghanistan and Irak...
* What happened in/to Afghanistan is too sad for words. For those who worked there and had a connection to this country. But forall the people of Afghanistan, especially the women and children! The Taliban is a terrible regime. Very high entropy! What happened is un-believable, and made my heart bleed. Thanks Biden. Later in time I will write more about this subject and my experiences and opinion.
In 2005 I met Carla, a very special lady...
2009-2011 Moved to Brazil and opened a restaurant with Carla, then my Brazilian girlfriend.
2011-2013 Back in Holland, I worked for my cousin for a while in a pomp service company. A normal job, with a great crew, I liked it. I had peace and Carla was with me in Holland and we had fun... until the itch started again...
2013-2015 Back to Brazil, in 2014 I had an assignment for a close protection job during the World Soccer Championships. Just before `the job` I infected my foot so bad I was afraid to lose it. An old lady, who had knowledge of Amazona medicine safed my foot. The hospitals were on strike (only in Brazil) during this heavy and painful time. The medicine that safed my foot came from the ` Ameixeira` tree. They use the tree root and grind it. You put that ground tree root on the wound of infection and it aborbs everything poisonous...still I could not walk and work for more than 3 months, when I arrived in Holland, I still limped...
2015 Back to Amsterdam, pretty much broke, no house, no job
`My dark night of the soul`
In that time I followed Bruce Lipton and I saw an interview with Bruce and Tom. Then I start reading MBT and immediately I knew, this is where I have been searching for. No dogma, scientific and a teacher so special and unique. I climbed out of my darkness and became stronger than ever before.
`I crawled through two football fields of shit, and came out clean on the other side` (Shawshank Redemption)
Broke and no house, and an aweful lot of things to think about. The LCS came with a solution. On my darkest hour I decided to seek some help (ridiculous if you view my past) and went to the City of Amsterdam without expectations. I was self-employed and therefore had no rights like an employee. To my surprise they gave me a minimum wage to live from. That gave me peace. I am a minimalist anyway, I do not need much. In the days that I really earned some serious cash, I spend most of it on traveling and (girl)friends and never looked at a price. It was convenient but I do not need it for `happiness`. Later I realized that, `not asking help` is also ego. A fear of shame or proud...I made the right decission...
In 2015 I bought a bicycle and the rest is history. I discovered MBT and Tom, Bruce, Neale, Gregg and many others. I researched, wrote, thought, sported, cycled and cycled, felt inside (meditation), and grew. Now, writing this, I never felt, for such a long period in time, (around 2 years), so good. A feeling of steady satisfaction, hard to explain, but it feels good, very good. I am immortal like you, why worry???
My resumé will continue till my avatar dies.I`hope`this website will grow with me for you. 'Hope is maybe the best of things' (again, Shawshank Redemption) along with no expectations... I hope...
`It is the voyage that brings value not the goal`
Tip, search for you passions and talents, you might have them and do not realize it. They are easy to find, if you love to do something and you are good at it too, it might be a passion, or something that will become a passion. Can`t earn money with it? You`ll be surprised what is possible these days...research people, it was never so easy. My father wrote a book. He researched more than 40 years, he visit libraries, universities, collected books etc. He did all this next to his work, as a hobby, like me, no, I like him. (more later about my dad`s book on this website)
Now one is able to visit all libraries and universities in the world, sitting down on your bum in your own home. My dad collected information for more than 40 years, the same amount of information he could now collect in one week or less. The generation before internet is dying and will never return, the last Mohicans, at least let's hope so. If that time returns, a time without internet, the bomb has fallen and we start again. Or internet is old fashion and we communicate,,,
`from soul to soul, IUOC to IUOC, we can you know`...
and we do
... unknowingly...