(Possible) Sponsors

SPONSORS: `Have one......Use one......Be one`.


I wrote on my World tour page that I need `a little, but regular, money`. And that is true till I reach 66.5 years, on 4 December 2026. Than I get, a little, regular money and need no more. `The money` from sponsors or supporters` will go to the Love Care Shine Foundation (in formation).


What I could use is equipment for vlog and trip. I will approach Gazelle (Dutch bicycle builder for over 100 years) or they could make my Gazelle Medo Plus, fit for the mountains and the rest of the world...


Of course I have my loyal bicycle, my Coleman Darwin 2+ tent, a very good insulation mat. I would even risk to go on my world tour with the gear I have. Last summer I went on a 3 month trip from Amsterdam to the Check border. (see Pics) There were parts of the mountains that I could not cycle, I walked. My bike is just too heavy, and although I have 24 gears, above 15%  increase I could not cycle. Then the trick is to take your time. It does not matter to me or I need 1 hour or 1 day for a specific distance. On this test trial I learned a lot of things. First, my Avatar is fit and strong enough. Second, I love it, I love it. This is the right thing for me to do! Further, you can plan what you want but things come, almost, always differently. Intent helps to find a safe place for my overnight stay. And a lot more.


My equipment was sufficient for this test trip but I need, like to have, an upgrade for my world tour. I still have to experiment and research more with vlog and blog. What is the best way to use these things in countries far, far away... Also how to charge my electric gear and such things. I am going to need visa`s and one that worries me is Iran, I hope I get it because if I want to go east, I have to go through Iran. 


Does your organization, or you, have an interest in, a green and healthy world? following my adventure? Greener than a ( non-electrical) bicycle is hard to find! Interest in sports and culture? Simple and good? Trying to make this world better? 


I am thinking of organizations that promote, focus on, outdoors & survival, charity, awareness for our nature, cycling, hiking,                                                                                           adventure, photography, people and chidren of our world...


My vlog for your PR? Think about the potential 


If it fits, maybe we can talk? I am always looking for a win - win situation


ps. all sponsors get a special place, in paint, on my bike and logo on website

and original attention possibilities


Contact: contact@enough-evidence-everywhere.com